Ultraviolet ray of solar spectrum make fabrics fade and embrittle, can also make the human skin sunburn and wear out, produce the melanin and black spot, bring out the canceration, endanger human health seriously. Antiultraviolet surface fabric that our factory produce contain ultraviolet ray absorbing material, safe to have, irritate, have irritated response while being nonpoisonous to human body, do not influence color and luster of the original fabric, brute force and pick up the moisture ventilatively. Many of authoritative organization measure, prove the antiultraviolet surface fabric that our factory produces can shield UV radiation effectively abroad by Australia,etc., the ultraviolet ray especially Uv-A and Uv-B of the wave band to 18000mm has good absorption, its ultraviolet ray shelters from coefficient UPF value and is greater than 50, UPF value is still greater than 40 after washing for 50 times. |